RENAVIGATING THE HUMAN PROCESS is our most urgent necessity. Every instant we are using the "ultimate technology" that we are as a here-and-now instrument of consciousness and creativity. The problems we now face as human beings are a result of software deficiencies in our collective psyche. We have the ability to reprogram our mental operating environment and to renavigate our process away from oblivion and towards the continuity of life. The Earth is the only planet we know so graced.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Thursday, October 20, 2022
“Great catastrophes of the past accompanied by electrical discharges and followed by radioactivity could have produced sudden and multiple mutations of the kind achieved today by experimenters, but on an immense scale. The past of mankind, and of the plant and animal kingdoms, too, must now be viewed in the light of the experience of Hiroshima and no longer from the portholes of the Beagle.”
Immanuel Velikovsky, Earth in Upheaval, chapter 15, “Cataclysmic Evolution"
POWERFUL GAMMA-RAY BURST MADE CURRENTS FLOW IN THE EARTH: Astronomers have never seen anything like it. On Oct. 9, 2022, Earth-orbiting satellites detected the strongest gamma-ray burst (GRB) in modern history: GRB221009A. How strong was it? It caused electrical currents to flow through the surface of our planet. Dr. Andrew Klekociuk in Tasmania recorded the effect using an Earth Probe Antenna:
Note: STIX data have been flipped (increasing counts go down) to ease comparison of the two waveforms.
The blue curve is a signal from Klekociuk's antenna, which was sensing VLF (very low frequency) currents in the soil at the time of the blast. The orange curve shows the gamma-ray burst recorded by the STIX telescope on Europe's Solar Orbiter spacecraft, one of many spacecraft that detected the event. The waveforms are a nearly perfect match.
"I am a climate scientist at the Australian Antarctic Division--that's my day job," says Klekociuk. "VLF is my hobby. I started doing VLF radio measurements in the 1970's when I was in high school. This is the first time I have detected a gamma-ray burst."
Klekociuk's unusual "ham rig" uses Earth itself as a giant antenna. In his back garden there are two metal spikes stuck into the ground 75 meters apart. They are connected to a receiver via buried wires. In recent years amateur radio operators have been experimenting with this weird kind of antenna to detect VLF radio signals circling our planet in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide. Earth's crust forms one of the waveguide's walls, allowing Earth Probe Antennas to detect distant transmitters.
"During the gamma-ray burst I detected flickering from multiple stations," says Klekociuk, who made this map showing transmission paths illuminated by the GRB:
Researchers have known since 1983 that gamma-ray bursts can ionize Earth's atmosphere and, thus, disturb the great waveguide. This appears to be the first time anyone has recorded the effect using an Earth Probe Antenna.
The outburst on Oct. 9th shocked astronomers. Consider this tweet from Phil Evans of the University of Leicester: "It's bright. Really bright. Like, stupidly really bright." Evans works with data from NASA's Swift gamma-ray observatory, and the overflowing signal had apparently broken some of his plotting software.
Data from NASA spacecraft have since pinpointed the burst. It came from a dusty galaxy 2.4 billion light years away, almost certainly triggered by a supernova explosion giving birth to a black hole. This is actually the closest GRB ever recorded, thus accounting for its extreme intensity.
"In our research group, we've been referring to this burst as the 'BOAT', or Brightest Of All Time," says Jillian Rastinejad, an astronomer at Northwestern University who has been monitoring the burst's afterglow using the Gemini South Telescope in Chile. "When you look at the thousands of bursts gamma-ray telescopes have been detecting since the 1990s, this one really stands apart."
Meanwhile, other observers in the UK and Germany have also reported ionospheric disturbances resulting from the burst. They all used regular above-ground antennas.
2.4 billion light years away... Now that's DXing.
"Radioactive decay is described as “spontaneous.” In other words, “not due to any known cause.”22 What if a cause is identified some day? Some scientists already favor the idea that sub-atomic particles such as neutrinos may affect radioactive decay. Frederic Jeuneman expressed this thought in 1972. He suggested that a supernova—one that is believed to have exploded about 11,000 years ago and only 1,500 light-years away—could have thrown dating measurements into a “cocked hat!” “Being so close, the . . . neutrino flux of the superexplosion must have had the peculiar characteristic of resetting all our atomic clocks.”23
Alvin J. Sanders also suggested that neutrinos affect the process: “The precise value at any given time of the ‘half-life’ of any unstable isotope including 14C—must now be considered in doubt, since the Jenkins-Fischback effect implies that we may no longer view the decay rate of an isotope as intrinsically governed and therefore a constant in Nature.”24
Supernova 1987-A was studied carefully by scientists. It was the first exploded star close enough to Earth and large enough for detailed analysis—made possible by the emplacement of modern neutrino-detection equipment. Roland Pease reported that it was the only supernova that could be seen well since 1604.25 Although it was outside our galaxy, estimated to be 160,000 light-years away, “a 100-fold spike in the neutrino counting rate, a peak never seen before or after”26 was discovered by detectors both in the Japanese Alps and in a salt mine under the shore of Lake Erie. Thus, neutrinos and other sub-atomic particles from nearby supernovas may have had an important effect on radioactive decay."
Cosmic-Ray Volleys from the Galactic Center and Their Recent Impact on the Earth Environment
- In the late 1800's Earth experienced what was apparently the B.O.A.T. solar-flare resulting in what is known as the Carrington Event where telegraph lines actually burst into flames. I wonder how old Nikola Tesla was then?
- Bill Bryson in A Short History of Nearly Everything says that this kind of thing could blast Earth for a few milli-seconds, then gone in a flash leaving no record of what happened...no geological record of magnetic field variation as is recorded in lava flows for example.The mutagenic effects of X-rays were discovered by Muller.Gamma rays are even more powerful than x-rays.
Gamma rays have the smallest wavelengths and the most energy of any wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. They are produced by the hottest and most energetic objects in the universe, such as neutron stars and pulsars, supernova explosions, and regions around black holes. On Earth, gamma waves are generated by nuclear explosions, lightning, and the less dramatic activity of radioactive decay.
"The most intense sources of gamma rays, are also the most intense sources of any type of electromagnetic radiation presently known. They are the "long duration burst" sources of gamma rays in astronomy ("long" in this context, meaning a few tens of seconds), and they are rare compared with the sources discussed above. By contrast, "short" gamma-ray bursts of two seconds or less, which are not associated with supernovae, are thought to produce gamma rays during the collision of pairs of neutron stars, or a neutron star and a black hole.[9]
The so-called long-duration gamma-
For all we know, or DONT KNOW and may never know, the radio-decay rates of all substances on Earth may have just been reset. We may have just received a huge dose of extra-galactic chemo-therapy or irradiation to keep us from spoiling too quickly.
Lorentz invariance violation induced threshold anomaly versus very-high energy cosmic photon emission from GRB 221009A
anomalies could be explained if the 'signal' actually originated from
processes close to or within the Earth's ionosphere...the signal also
showed an anomalously small red-shift which coming from 2.4 billion ly
away should be very high
Lorentz invariance violation induced threshold anomaly versus very-high energy cosmic photon emission from GRB 221009A
Hao Lia, Bo-Qiang Maa,b,c,∗
It is reported that the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) observed very high energy photons from GRB 221009A, with the highest energy reaching 18 TeV. We find that observation of such high energy photons is a quite nontrivial fact since extragalactic background light could absorb these photons severely and the flux is too weak to be observed. Therefore we discuss the potential new mechanism for us to observe these photons, and suggest that Lorentz invariance violation induced threshold anomaly of the process γγ → e−e+ provides a candidate to explain this phenomenon.
Lorentz invariance violation, threshold anomaly, very high energy photons, gamma-ray burst
Saturday, March 12, 2022
Sunday, August 8, 2021
Thursday, June 10, 2021

“Great catastrophes of the past accompanied by electrical discharges and followed by radioactivity could have produced sudden and multiple mutations of the kind achieved today by experimenters, but on an immense scale. The past of mankind, and of the plant and animal kingdoms, too, must now be viewed in the light of the experience of Hiroshima and no longer from the portholes of the Beagle.”
Immanuel Velikovsky, Earth in Upheaval, chapter 15, “Cataclysmic Evolution”

Or would all evidence of their 'intelligence' be totally eradicated by immense cosmic healing forces, enabling 'their' planet finally to heal herself and for life to be re-born, giving birth to a 'new dreaming"?