catastrophes of the past accompanied by electrical discharges and
followed by radioactivity could have produced sudden and multiple
mutations of the kind achieved today by experimenters, but on an immense
scale. The past of mankind, and of the plant and animal kingdoms, too,
must now be viewed in the light of the experience of Hiroshima and no
longer from the portholes of the Beagle.”
Immanuel Velikovsky, Earth in Upheaval, chapter 15, “Cataclysmic Evolution"
FROM JEFF: I am just now seeing this but WHAM! BOAT? Brightest Of All
Time...except that 'all time' is not only not over, now is only the
beginning of what's left! They are saying this made electrical currents
flow in the Earth? Duh? This is always going on...they are called
telluric currents and are associated with or identical to the Rainbow
Serpent of dream-time cosmologies. These currents are intimately related
with Earth's magnetic fields, solar radiation, influx from stars, and
last but certainly not least the influences and effects from
anthropogenic geo-physical tampering and malfeasance a la HAARP, Tesla,
DARPA and 'el radar' at one of my next destinations here in WA, the
Harold E. Holt Environmental Warfare Facility. Yesterday I met a man who
is an electrical engineer for Raytheon there. I asked him what they
told him it was for and of course he reluctantly replied for 'VLF and
ELF submarine communication...' but he looked at me and said 'there's
more though isn't there?' to which I said 'heaps my brother heaps.' I
told his lovely wife that the most important thing about Raytheon is the
first three letters...RAY. As in cosmic RAY or gamma RAY or DEATH RAY.
all we really know, this alleged BOAT extra-galactic gamma burst COULD
theoretically have been fired at Earth from space-based DARPA technology
of some kind designed to fool Earthlings into thinking we are being
bombarded, experimented on and/or invaded by the long-awaited ETI. I
talked about this scenario to a degree with my Operation Starsim idea in
this post.
"Consider this: D.A.R.P.A. has on-going highly classified 'black ops' programs called Operation STARSIM whose
purpose is to use advanced optical, satellite and computer technology
to create the illusion to Earth-based or orbital telescope platforms of
celestial objects, events or processes that don't really exist. VDSO's, or Virtual Deep Space Objects [note: I hope I am making this up]
With advanced knowledge of how telescopes receive and construct images from 'outer space', engineers could use an array of space-probe/space drone-mounted lasers,
directed energy projectors,
you name it, which would first be placed into the line of sight between
the telescopes and the position in the sky where they want their bogey
to be 'discovered', or to match up with the coordinates of a known
Proxima Centauri. Then they compute and broadcast signals or energy made to look like whatever they want the telescopes to find.
if this is totally natural, think of the implications. Think of what
Velikovsky has told us, think of what Frederick Jeuneman told us...about
the importance of this kind of thing in the history of life on Earth.
An impact triggering or causing ELE or 'extinction level events' does
not necessarily have to be from an object like a comet or asteroid, but
can be an ENERGETIC IMPACT from precisely this kind of thing...coming
also from the sun or galactic centre, a la the work of Paul LaViolette.
I will report on this in greater detail over the next day or so...
from NASA spacecraft have since pinpointed the burst. It came from a
dusty galaxy 2.4 billion light years away, almost certainly triggered by
a supernova explosion giving birth to a black hole. This is actually
the closest GRB ever recorded, thus accounting for its extreme
have never seen anything like it. On Oct. 9, 2022, Earth-orbiting
satellites detected the strongest gamma-ray burst (GRB) in modern
history: GRB221009A. How strong was it? It caused electrical currents
to flow through the surface of our planet. Dr. Andrew Klekociuk in
Tasmania recorded the effect using an Earth Probe Antenna:
Note: STIX data have been flipped (increasing counts go down) to ease comparison of the two waveforms.
blue curve is a signal from Klekociuk's antenna, which was sensing VLF
(very low frequency) currents in the soil at the time of the blast. The
orange curve shows the gamma-ray burst recorded by the STIX
telescope on Europe's Solar Orbiter spacecraft, one of many spacecraft
that detected the event. The waveforms are a nearly perfect match.
am a climate scientist at the Australian Antarctic Division--that's my
day job," says Klekociuk. "VLF is my hobby. I started doing VLF radio
measurements in the 1970's when I was in high school. This is the first
time I have detected a gamma-ray burst."
unusual "ham rig" uses Earth itself as a giant antenna. In his back
garden there are two metal spikes stuck into the ground 75 meters apart.
They are connected to a receiver via buried wires. In recent years
amateur radio operators have been experimenting with this weird kind of antenna to detect VLF radio signals circling our planet in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide. Earth's crust forms one of the waveguide's walls, allowing Earth Probe Antennas to detect distant transmitters.
the gamma-ray burst I detected flickering from multiple stations," says
Klekociuk, who made this map showing transmission paths illuminated by
the GRB:
NWC, VTX3, Mokpo and NML are VLF transmitters Klekociuk monitors using
his Earth Probe Antenna. GRB effects were observed for all except NML,
which was outside the radiation footprint.
Researchers have known since 1983
that gamma-ray bursts can ionize Earth's atmosphere and, thus, disturb
the great waveguide. This appears to be the first time anyone has
recorded the effect using an Earth Probe Antenna.
The outburst on Oct. 9th shocked astronomers. Consider this tweet
from Phil Evans of the University of Leicester: "It's bright. Really
bright. Like, stupidly really bright." Evans works with data from NASA's
Swift gamma-ray observatory, and the overflowing signal had apparently
broken some of his plotting software.
from NASA spacecraft have since pinpointed the burst. It came from a
dusty galaxy 2.4 billion light years away, almost certainly triggered by
a supernova explosion giving birth to a black hole. This is actually
the closest GRB ever recorded, thus accounting for its extreme
Above: The afterglow of GRB 221009A about an hour after it was first detected. Credit: NASA/Swift. [more] "In our research group, we've been referring to this burst as the 'BOAT', or Brightest Of All Time," says
Jillian Rastinejad, an astronomer at Northwestern University who has
been monitoring the burst's afterglow using the Gemini South Telescope
in Chile. "When you look at the thousands of bursts gamma-ray telescopes
have been detecting since the 1990s, this one really stands apart."
Meanwhile, other observers in the UK and Germany have also reported ionospheric disturbances resulting from the burst. They all used regular above-ground antennas.
2.4 billion light years away... Now that's DXing.
is the kind of thing I have been painting a lot lately with respect to
the helio-cosm energetics and the whales and dolphins, who are much
closer to the planetary liquid-crystal transducer we know of as Mother
Jeuneman speculates in his book Rapture of the Deep (analytical chemist who edited the Journal of the American Chemical Society)
that precisely this kind of thing has probably happened numerous times
in the history of life on Earth and that the intensity of the radiation
'reset' the decay-rate of all the radio-active substances...the ones we
use to measure what we think of as geo-logical time. In other words, the
atomic clock has been reset many times. Even just once is enough to
render our entire notion of prehistoric and hadean-archaeo-chronological
time-scales totally wrong. This is HUGE to think about.
"The age of our globe is presently thought to be some 4.5 billion years,
based on radio-decay rates of uranium and thorium. Such ‘confirmation’
may be shortlived, as nature is not to be discovered quite so easily.
There has been in recent years the horrible realization that radio-decay
rates are not as constant as previously thought, nor are they immune to
environmental influences. And this could mean that the atomic clocks
are reset during some global disaster, and events which brought the
Mesozoic to a close may not be 65 million years ago, but rather, within
the age and memory of man."11
Frederic B. Jueneman, “Secular Catastrophism,” Industrial Research and Development, Vol. 24 (June 1982), p. 21.
"Radioactive decay is described as “spontaneous.” In other words, “not due to any known cause.”22 What
if a cause is identified some day? Some scientists already favor the
idea that sub-atomic particles such as neutrinos may affect radioactive
decay. Frederic Jeuneman expressed this thought in 1972. He suggested
that a supernova—one that is believed to have exploded about 11,000
years ago and only 1,500 light-years away—could have thrown dating
measurements into a “cocked hat!” “Being so close, the . . . neutrino
flux of the superexplosion must have had the peculiar characteristic of
resetting all our atomic clocks.”23
J. Sanders also suggested that neutrinos affect the process: “The
precise value at any given time of the ‘half-life’ of any unstable
isotope including 14C—must
now be considered in doubt, since the Jenkins-Fischback effect implies
that we may no longer view the decay rate of an isotope as intrinsically
governed and therefore a constant in Nature.”24
1987-A was studied carefully by scientists. It was the first exploded
star close enough to Earth and large enough for detailed analysis—made
possible by the emplacement of modern neutrino-detection equipment.
Roland Pease reported that it was the only supernova that could be seen
well since 1604.25 Although
it was outside our galaxy, estimated to be 160,000 light-years away, “a
100-fold spike in the neutrino counting rate, a peak never seen before
or after”26 was
discovered by detectors both in the Japanese Alps and in a salt mine
under the shore of Lake Erie. Thus, neutrinos and other sub-atomic
particles from nearby supernovas may have had an important effect on
radioactive decay."
Paul LaViolette provides evidence of a similar thing happening emanating from the galactic core..
"The flare was a major coronal mass ejection (CME), a burst of magnetized plasma from the sun's upper atmosphere, the corona. In 17.6 hours, the CME traversed over 90 million miles (150 million km) between the sun and Earth and unleashed its force on our planet. According to NASA spaceflight, it usually takes CMEs multiple days to reach Earth."
Bill Bryson in A Short History of Nearly Everything says
that this kind of thing could blast Earth for a few milli-seconds, then
gone in a flash leaving no record of what happened...no geological
record of magnetic field variation as is recorded in lava flows for
The mutagenic effects of X-rays were discovered by Muller.
Gamma rays are even more powerful than x-rays.
rays have the smallest wavelengths and the most energy of any wave in
the electromagnetic spectrum. They are produced by the hottest and most
energetic objects in the universe, such as neutron stars and pulsars,
supernova explosions, and regions around black holes. On Earth, gamma
waves are generated by nuclear explosions, lightning, and the less
dramatic activity of radioactive decay.
rays are a radiation hazard for the entire body. They can easily
penetrate barriers that can stop alpha and beta particles, such as skin
and clothing. Gamma rays have so much penetrating power that several
inches of a dense material like lead, or even a few feet of concrete may
be required to stop them. Gamma rays can pass completely through
the human body; as they pass through, they can cause ionizations that
damage tissue and DNA."
What IF this gamma-ray event was not natural but anthropogenically generated? Beyond my Operation Starsim scenario, what if the now-fully-global network of H.A.A.R.P.-related ionospheric microwave technologies...which we already know is being used for ENMOD, or Environmental Modification
war-fare...how do we know? Look up and out, or listen to their very own
words...Raytheon, Booz Allen and Hamilton, the US Air Force...it's no
secret...was deployed in such a way as to generate a single gamma-ray
explosion appearing to originate from a distant point-source...but in
reality was only generated within the ionospheric electromagnetic
I look into this further, signatures of geo-engineering may well
present themselves. It's already got the 'new' and superlative
connotation...just like the 'new' bush-fires that melted cars but left
shrubberies untouched, 'new' cyclones that follow highly anomalous and
previously impossible trajectories, 'new' pilot whale strandings that
coincide with and happen directly within the danger-zone of
rocket-launches yet are attributed to 'misadventure' or 'mystery
is getting hit by radiation all the time...without it we wouldn't
exist. These occasional super-bursts are the norm, just as are periodic
physico-mechanical impacts from comets and asteroids. I am wondering if
the same episodic bombardment or periodicity clustering might apply to
energetic impacts as well as to the cometary ones?
Gamma rays are are the highest-energy and most penetrating of all energetic phenomena known to mankind.
Gamma-ray bursts
most intense sources of gamma rays, are also the most intense sources
of any type of electromagnetic radiation presently known. They are the
"long duration burst" sources of gamma rays in astronomy ("long" in this
context, meaning a few tens of seconds), and they are rare compared
with the sources discussed above. By contrast, "short" gamma-ray bursts of
two seconds or less, which are not associated with supernovae, are
thought to produce gamma rays during the collision of pairs of neutron
stars, or a neutron star and a black hole.[9]
The so-called long-duration gamma-ray bursts produce a total energy output of about 1044 joules (as much energy as our Sun will
produce in its entire life-time) but in a period of only 20 to 40
seconds. Gamma rays are approximately 50% of the total energy output.
The leading hypotheses for the mechanism of production of these
highest-known intensity beams of radiation, are inverse Compton scattering and synchrotron radiation from
high-energy charged particles. These processes occur as relativistic
charged particles leave the region of the event horizon of a newly
formed black hole created
during supernova explosion. The beam of particles moving at
relativistic speeds are focused for a few tens of seconds by the
magnetic field of the exploding hypernova.
The fusion explosion of the hypernova drives the energetics of the
process. If the narrowly directed beam happens to be pointed toward the
Earth, it shines at gamma ray frequencies with such intensity, that it
can be detected even at distances of up to 10 billion light years, which
is close to the edge of the visible universe."
all we know, or DONT KNOW and may never know, the radio-decay rates of
all substances on Earth may have just been reset. We may have just
received a huge dose of extra-galactic chemo-therapy or irradiation to
keep us from spoiling too quickly.
Lorentz invariance violation induced threshold anomaly versus very-high energy cosmic photon emission from GRB 221009A
anomalies could be explained if the 'signal' actually originated from
processes close to or within the Earth's ionosphere...the signal also
showed an anomalously small red-shift which coming from 2.4 billion ly
away should be very high
Lorentz invariance violation induced threshold anomaly versus very-high energy
cosmic photon emission from GRB 221009A
Hao Lia, Bo-Qiang Maa,b,c,∗
aSchool of Physics Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
bCenter for High Energy Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
cCollaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter, Beijing, China
It is reported that the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) observed very high energy photons
from GRB 221009A, with the highest energy reaching 18 TeV. We find that observation of such high energy photons is
a quite nontrivial fact since extragalactic background light could absorb these photons severely and the flux is too weak
to be observed. Therefore we discuss the potential new mechanism for us to observe these photons, and suggest that
Lorentz invariance violation induced threshold anomaly of the process γγ → e−e+ provides a candidate to explain this
Lorentz invariance violation, threshold anomaly, very high energy photons, gamma-ray burst