0874de063c8d/on-the-brink- radio-317-the-homo-sapiens- macro-virus-wages- cybermachygood- newsintroducing-psydarhappy- earth-day
"Scientifically and logically, in the same way that the only way to get rid of climate change once and for all is to get rid of climate by eliminating the Earth's atmosphere, the only way to get rid of CoVid-19 and all the other infectious diseases that have ravaged humanity from time immemorial once and for all is to eliminate humanity from the polluted gene pool of Cesspool Earth. My consortium of consultants and think-tanks has concluded that the most efficient way to accomplish these objectives in one fell swoop is a global nuclear biosphere management program to be administered from our base on Mars."
"Lilly’s perception or vision was that humanity was being influenced below our level of awareness by energies or transmissions from another form of ‘intelligence’ in other star-systems, a solid-state ‘life’ based not on water, carbon and DNA, but on silicon and electricity. This SSE, or ‘solid state entity’ has been influencing humanity to design and construct an entire ‘civilization’ running on electricity and computers whose ultimate purpose is first to replace then to eliminate entirely water-based life-as-we-currently-know-her, including ourselves. The cetaceans are specifically targeted as being the most powerful receivers of the ‘signals’ from water-based life."
"Sherlock Holmes had long predicted that someday, an inevitable technological confluence of the work of Tesla and Bernays would unleash the greatest engineering feat ever under-taken, a project so huge and pervasive that even the scientist-priests of Atlantis would shrink in awe in its operation so complex and secretive that it would make the Manhattan Project look like a box of tinker-toys...a project of unimaginable military and industrial prowess and sophistication involving the simultaneous manipulation and attempted control of Earth's entire atmospheric, lithospheric, ecological, hydrological and geo-physical processes, and the real-time modulation and orchestration of humanity's genomic and 'reality management systems', that is, our brains, minds, and DNA, involving genetic, bio-chemical, neuro-physiological, cognitive, semantic, psychic and full-spectrum information disorder warfare techniques; the raison d'etre of the entire military-industrial complex. This 'next generation' blitzkrieg, monolithic in stature and techne-tronic in 'nature', has been underway since 1945, but came fully on-line around 1990. It's so big, so secret, and so advanced that it's name is actually an equation known to a mere handful, but 'climate change' is a smoke-screen for it. In short, its purpose is the take-over of almost everything."

"Scientifically and logically, in the same way that the only way to get rid of climate change once and for all is to get rid of climate by eliminating the Earth's atmosphere, the only way to get rid of CoVid-19 and all the other infectious diseases that have ravaged humanity from time immemorial once and for all is to eliminate humanity from the polluted gene pool of Cesspool Earth. My consortium of consultants and think-tanks has concluded that the most efficient way to accomplish these objectives in one fell swoop is a global nuclear biosphere management program to be administered from our base on Mars."
"Lilly’s perception or vision was that humanity was being influenced below our level of awareness by energies or transmissions from another form of ‘intelligence’ in other star-systems, a solid-state ‘life’ based not on water, carbon and DNA, but on silicon and electricity. This SSE, or ‘solid state entity’ has been influencing humanity to design and construct an entire ‘civilization’ running on electricity and computers whose ultimate purpose is first to replace then to eliminate entirely water-based life-as-we-currently-know-her, including ourselves. The cetaceans are specifically targeted as being the most powerful receivers of the ‘signals’ from water-based life."
"Sherlock Holmes had long predicted that someday, an inevitable technological confluence of the work of Tesla and Bernays would unleash the greatest engineering feat ever under-taken, a project so huge and pervasive that even the scientist-priests of Atlantis would shrink in awe in its operation so complex and secretive that it would make the Manhattan Project look like a box of tinker-toys...a project of unimaginable military and industrial prowess and sophistication involving the simultaneous manipulation and attempted control of Earth's entire atmospheric, lithospheric, ecological, hydrological and geo-physical processes, and the real-time modulation and orchestration of humanity's genomic and 'reality management systems', that is, our brains, minds, and DNA, involving genetic, bio-chemical, neuro-physiological, cognitive, semantic, psychic and full-spectrum information disorder warfare techniques; the raison d'etre of the entire military-industrial complex. This 'next generation' blitzkrieg, monolithic in stature and techne-tronic in 'nature', has been underway since 1945, but came fully on-line around 1990. It's so big, so secret, and so advanced that it's name is actually an equation known to a mere handful, but 'climate change' is a smoke-screen for it. In short, its purpose is the take-over of almost everything."
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“You question why we have produced no works of art but do not question the further paradox that we have brains large enough to appreciate art. Could it be that there is enough beauty here, that the kaleidoscope is varied beyond comparison, that the hues of the sea, of the live scales of fish, of the rocks, sands and sea plants are their own canvas and that you may perhaps be limiting yourself by crediting the status of “artist” only to those who can interpret beauty and emotion to others...You will find us when you have the mental technology to recognize our existence...In the meantime, learn what you can of us, as we are interested to learn of you.”
“Coda – the Dolphin Utopia”
Chapter Ten, The Lure of the Dolphin, Robin Brown (1979)
from the crown chakra of the Rainbow Serpent, which is how I depicted Tasmania in my first in this series of dream-time paintings.
The lockdown is lightening significantly and even crumbling in some parts of Australia! Yesterday New Zealand announced that they are coming out of Level 4 to Level 3 next Monday, with Level 2 scheduled for two weeks after that. Airlines are gradually coming back into operation, and my friend who commutes from the central coast of NSW to Sydney during the week said that the amount of traffic on the roads has been increasingly greatly in the past few days. This is probably the first time that I've ever applauded traffic but GO AUSTRALIA :) Don't stop til you get to Canberra and make road kill out of all the politicians. Western Australia has never even bothered to invoke anything other than some voluntary social distancing.
To me the greatest concern that we face is the mental health effects of this whole scenario; since it's obviously primarily a psychological operation, this would only be expected, but the nefarious and diabolical nature of the strategic think-tankery that went into concocting this whole thing is reminiscent of something that Nazi psychiatrists might come up with. For example, the creation of conditions that thwart people's ability to be close to each other and to be with nature...two of our most fundamental needs as living beings.
This is a new concept I came up with last week, PSYchic Detection and Ra
Quite a few years ago I came up with the concept of the Homo Sapiens Macro Virus, the HSMV, that described the cumulative summation effect of planetary military-industrial civilization. Like my concept of infotoxin, it started out to be funny but developed into a serious concept. I looked at the analogy of what a virus is: not a 'life-form' per se but genetic information...or DISinformation. The virus cannot do anything on its own, we are told, but somehow manages to find its way into the control centres of a cell, from which it subverts and takes over the processes of the cells to do its bidding.
If this process sounds familiar, maybe it's because this is precisely not only what 'secret factions' within bureaucracies and governments have been doing for how the CIA and other 'intelligence' agencies infiltrate and over-throw any government or regime whose country has stuff they want, or how they have progressively taken over all forms of mainstream media, and the leadership of major universities, research institutions, corporations and the military: a global network of people who are not who they seem, giving the appearance of doing the job they always did but in reality fulfilling the details for a wide spectrum of secret agenda deployment.
Humanity itself has been becoming progressively viral since we began to manipulate nature in the forms of agriculture and animal husbandry, and began to 'dig precious things from the land' in violation of the admonition of the Hopi prophecy. Mining, genetic and geo-engineering, and centralization and globalization are all expressions of a viral imperative, as is the foisting of increasingly sophisticated false-flag socio-political scenarios in the form of anomalous 'natural disasters' and 'global pandemics.'
Chief Seattle is said to have said (although he spoke no English) "What we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves." Never have truer words been spoken.
What is happening now is a full-on expression of humanity attacking itself, kind of like an species-level auto-immune disorder.
What we have been experiencing and creating since the dawn of 'civilization' is a navigational disorder, a distortion in our abilities to guide and regulate our own processes, individually and collectively. I call this the Acybernetic Syndrome.
Cyber comes from the Greek word kybernetes,
meaning the pilot or navigator of a ship. It is also the root of governor and gubernatorial.
Cybernetics as a science is not about computers or electronics, it's about the process of self-navigation.
Another Greek word michanikos is used as a suffix -machy
meaning fighting, battle or war. Theomachy is 'war of the gods' and is
how the ancients described celestial phenomena associated with comets
and asteroids. Titanomachy is 'war of the titans', and cytomachy is the
struggle between pathogenic micro-organisms and the cells that exist in
the body to protect it.
Cybermachy is therefore a 'war of navigation' = what is going on now,
the battle between most of humanity who mean well but who've been
asleep at the wheel of 'civilization' for thousands of years, and the elite
power-broker over-lords who have been helping us to sleep ever more
deeply while simultaneously foisting a full spectrum of disinformation to
throw us off course, then now trying to snatch control of the steering
Our challenge is to WAKE UP to what is really going on, to regain our
brains and activate our psydar, take the helm...back, get back on course
with lives we really want and that are meaningful and beneficial for all of
life on Mother Earth, and renavigate the human process into the new
dreaming of coherence and harmony for mitakuye oyasin.

In tribal and indigenous cultures initiation is central in the process of fruition or blossoming of the individual. Initiation is the process of 'trial by fire' in which the aspiring person must undergo all kinds of tests and hardships designed to help him to hone his inner technology, to confront and conquer any fears or reservations, to strengthen his connection with guide and guardian beings, and to impart new levels of wisdom, knowledge, consciousness, understanding and empowerment. In a lot of cultures, initiations are quite arduous and severe, I think as a way of making sure that only the best candidates are the ones who are carrying on the ancient traditions and paths of knowing...not because it's a nice thing to do but because the health, integrity and longevity of the culture depends on it.
I think this current 'pandemic' episode is or can function as a collective initiation for all of humanity...a time for us to realize just how fast asleep we've been and how far off course we've drifted, and that now pirates have jumped aboard and are trying to take over.
All I have to say to them is
In tribal and indigenous cultures initiation is central in the process of fruition or blossoming of the individual. Initiation is the process of 'trial by fire' in which the aspiring person must undergo all kinds of tests and hardships designed to help him to hone his inner technology, to confront and conquer any fears or reservations, to strengthen his connection with guide and guardian beings, and to impart new levels of wisdom, knowledge, consciousness, understanding and empowerment. In a lot of cultures, initiations are quite arduous and severe, I think as a way of making sure that only the best candidates are the ones who are carrying on the ancient traditions and paths of knowing...not because it's a nice thing to do but because the health, integrity and longevity of the culture depends on it.
I think this current 'pandemic' episode is or can function as a collective initiation for all of humanity...a time for us to realize just how fast asleep we've been and how far off course we've drifted, and that now pirates have jumped aboard and are trying to take over.
All I have to say to them is
all accounts and from the very beginning it was clear that Coronavirus
Disease 2019 (Covid-19) was at the very most a bad cold – little more
dangerous than the annual flu – but being deliberately hyped to stampede the public into a tangled web of bad policies.
As early as last month cooler-headed experts warned that
hyped death rates spread by politicians, the Western corporate media,
other various panic-mongers, and even World Health Organization (WHO)
officials would give way to much, much lower death rates as more people
were tested, found to have had the virus, and showed little to no
numbers of infections versus deaths in Iceland where testing has been
the most widespread shows a death rate of about 0.5%, though only 5% of
the population has been tested. 50% of those tested showed no symptoms
at all meaning that many, many more Icelanders likely had the virus,
overcame it with ease, and never visited a doctor or hospital to avail
themselves for testing or to make into national Covid-19 statistics.
study conducted in the United States by Stanford University found the
infection rate was likely 50-85 times higher than reported – meaning the
death rate was astronomically lower than reported at around 0.2% to as
low as 0.12% – not the 3-4% claimed by the World Health Organization.
other words – Covid-19 is no more dangerous or deadly than the annual
flu. But it has been hyped as such by Western politicians, the Western
corporate media, and even international institutions like WHO – a
deliberate deception accompanied by coordinated theater including
government briefings with reporters comically spaced out in “fear” of
contracting Covid-19."
The Pharmaceutical 'Business with Disease' Causes More Deaths Than All Wars of Mankind Combined
a direct consequence of the pharmaceutical business, more people have
died from preventable disease than in all wars of mankind combined. The
following summarizes the steps leading to this tragedy.
fact that vitamin C stabilizes the walls of arteries, for example, has
been known for 200 years, ever since James Lind uncovered vitamin C
deficiency as the cause of blood loss and scurvy. Any head of a
pharmaceutical company, any Ph.D. or M.D. who denies knowing this fact
is simply incredulous.
then, was this information not applied to medicine in order to combat
cardiovascular disease? Why was the official RDA for vitamin C set at 60
mg, an amount barely sufficient to prevent scurvy but certainly low
enough to make sure that cardiovascular diseases will become an
this century, the pharmaceutical companies knew that an optimum vitamin
supply of the population would lead to the collapse of a multi-billion
dollar market of prescription drugs. Moreover, vitamins are not
patentable and the profit margins are low. On the basis of this analysis
the survival of the pharmaceutical industry became dependent on two
- To obstruct research, information, and use of vitamins and other natural therapies by all means available.
- To promote the deception that patentable synthetic drugs are the answer to human diseases.
The Pharmaceutical Industry Is As Indispensable for a Country as Cancer Is for the Body
is it that millions of people are still willing to pay billions of
dollars to the pharma-cartel for medicine that does not cure and
frequently harms?
answer to this question is that over the past century the pharma-cartel
and their army of lobbyists have built an intricate maze of control,
infiltration, economic incentives, bribes, manipulation, and deception.
Millions of people and patients were systematically deceived by this maze of
- Manipulation of research so that synthetic drugs rather than natural therapies appear as “medicine”,
- Prescription of this “medicine” by doctors who have had no education in nutritional medicine and who receive financial benefits for prescribing pharmaceuticals but not natural therapies,
- Deception by multi-million dollar advertising campaigns for pharmaceutical drugs that deliberately deceive the public about the effects and risks of drugs and about the unethical nature of the pharma-business,
- Regulation brought about by regulatory agencies and legislation under the pressure of a pharma-lobby, disallowing established health claims for vitamins and other natural remedies.
the future no nation can afford to burden its economy with a
pharmaceutical industry that grows like a cancer at the expense of the
people, of corporations and of the public sector, all of which suffocate
from exploding health care costs for a medicine that does not cure.
https://www.washingtonpost. com/graphics/2020/politics/ pandemic-government-role/
"A lengthy article, but important. Lays out the propaganda framework we will be increasingly bathed in. What I found most intriguing was the suggestion that fear of more infections lurks in our futures. Reminds me of when the USSR fell, and we started seeing reports that terrorism was going to be the new enemy. Seemed like a strange prediction at the time, as terrorism hadn't been an issue at all. But they knew what they were planning. So it seems from this article pandemics will be the 'new enemy', and we are entering a 'War on Disease'. Just as the war on drugs was followed by increased drug problems, and the war on terrorism has been followed by increased terrorism, my guess is that this new war is going to bring us significant increases in pandemics. As usual, they know what they've got planned for us."
DR. CLAUDIA VON WERLHOF "BEHIND CORONA" 2020/04/18/claudia-von- werlhof-hinter-corona/
"A lengthy article, but important. Lays out the propaganda framework we will be increasingly bathed in. What I found most intriguing was the suggestion that fear of more infections lurks in our futures. Reminds me of when the USSR fell, and we started seeing reports that terrorism was going to be the new enemy. Seemed like a strange prediction at the time, as terrorism hadn't been an issue at all. But they knew what they were planning. So it seems from this article pandemics will be the 'new enemy', and we are entering a 'War on Disease'. Just as the war on drugs was followed by increased drug problems, and the war on terrorism has been followed by increased terrorism, my guess is that this new war is going to bring us significant increases in pandemics. As usual, they know what they've got planned for us."
So how is the whole thing to be interpreted?
is interested in this drama of an artificial alleged natural disaster?
What does it do and what does it mean? This is what we don't really know
yet. It is the great unknown in this clearly political game with
'health', which is surprisingly played and can be played with the whole
world here.
industry, vaccination advocates, forced vaccinations (Gates;
Chossudovsky) with unforeseeable consequences, e.g. built-in nanosensors
and implants for the physical-psychological integration of people in
the Internet of Things (digitization, Agenda ID2020; Koenig), i.e. the
end of civil, yes, human rights in this way, are conceivable today in
view of ongoing technical progress.
Gates propagates a general vaccination certificate for the future,
without which no one should be able to travel (Gates)! What are we
thinking about? We should soon, if there is a vaccine, everyone can be
forced - the Danes have already decided - to submit to this completely
opaque "health" measure in order to end up getting sick and, above all,
yes to become manipulable? Then the artificial crisis in the name of
health would have served to abolish human rights and possibly introduce a
dictatorship worldwide!
And that would have made it clear that the enemy was not the virus, but the latter was a weapon against the actual enemy: us!
even now, it affects people everywhere and in general, whether infected
or not. Because the sudden stopping of normal public and private life -
like in a kind of thrust reversal - leads to the crash of the small
ones. Means and national economy worldwide! This will benefit the
corporations that will take over their markets after the epoch-making
debt that is now being staged to "save the economy" will drive everyone
into a debt trap (example Greece).
The very big, 'controlled' financial crash
it is the very big financial crash (Wolff), which is now being brought
about intentionally and 'controlled' without there being any resistance
or recognizable 'guilty'. So the financial system could be looted one
last time, then redesigned, including currency reform, possible cash
abolition, inflation and a new, now 4th, industrial revolution.
latter would consist in the broad use of new technologies from
nanotechnology, genetic engineering and AI to geoengineering and their
cybernetic networking to "convergence technology" (especially Freeland) -
especially preached by the 'Greens' (Rifkin; EU Commission). .
US military maneuver 'Defender Europe 2020' with tens of thousands of
soldiers, which takes place simultaneously - and without masks or gaps
(Dinucci) - in Europe from April to June will certainly also be
connected with it. If major breakdowns and clashes should happen, then
the international "regulatory power" is already there to prevent coarser
things. But who knows what else she has planned.
Microsoft Patents New Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data microsoft-cryptocurrency- system/
"Microsoft has patented a crypto-currency mining system that leverages human activities, including brain waves and body heat, when performing online tasks such as using search engines, chat-bots, and reading ads. 'A user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously,' the patent reads."
Microsoft Patents New Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data
"Microsoft has patented a crypto-currency mining system that leverages human activities, including brain waves and body heat, when performing online tasks such as using search engines, chat-bots, and reading ads. 'A user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously,' the patent reads."
The Remarkable Doctor A. Fauci
By F. William Engdahl
By F. William Engdahl
political and social decisions are being made across the United States
and around the world on what emergency quarantine measures and other
steps must be taken. In many cases the radical and severe measures, such
as shutting down the world economy, are being justified by COVID-19
case projections of morbidity into the future. If there is one person
who is the face of the current strategy of dealing with the coronavirus
in Washington it is the Director of the US National Institute for
Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of the NIH, Dr. Tony Fauci. What
major media conveniently leave out in discussing Fauci’s role is his
highly controversial and conflicted history since he first joined NIAID
in 1984 during the beginnings of the AIDS panic. His role then sheds
valuable light on his remarkable and highly controversial actions
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